Monday, November 3, 2008

Lookit who's been keeping up!

So, a man purposefully set himself on fire last Thursday in the middle of our school and died. That was pretty rad. Like, in a "what a way to go out!" sort of thing. I'm still not sure if they announced who he was or what the motive was. It was kind of interesting to go to school on Friday and see the scorch marks on the pavement. Weird.

I so anxiously want to move out and get my own place... the only problem is both Alex and I don't make enough money constantly (he has a sub job, I get tips waitressing and therefor it is not recorded as actual income) I almost want to just suck it up and get maybe a one bedroom instead of a two bedroom apartment. I don't know. I'm just finding myself not really wanting to go home and after Portland I feel like I'm ready. I know precisely what I can live with and what I can't stand.

And I totally want my own espresso machine that I can make coffee early in the morning along with breakfast. I dunno... I kind of want to make breakfast for Alex and myself on a regular basis... I hate spending money on food at school, so hopefully it will alleviate that.

Of course, I have all these plans to make breakfast and essentially "play house" (for lack of a better word) even though I know damn well that my ass will be hitting the snooze button constantly and get ready at the last minute. Maybe MAYBE, I will grab a pop-tart on the way out. Whatever... at least with my own place, I am free to have sex wherever and whenever I feel like it without worrying about bothering other people in the house. I also can have get togethers... and... PARTY LIGHT PARTIES. And all that other crap. I wonder what holidays would be like at my own place.

So many fantasies, but I need more planning. Plus, I intend to find a possible third job... and hopefully, it will be decent enough for me to quit my other two. Still kind of looking. What would be really great is if I had a stay at home job. Maybe for a billing agency? I noticed that there are a lot of "maybe's" in this post. I unfortunately think that it reflects my terrible indecisiveness and my fear of taking risks. Alex even suffers the same lament... so I think this is what's making all of this difficult. We're worried about debt, eviction, and we're worried about how well we can control ourselves from unnecessary spending. What I want is for him to find another job like I am so we have a stable income that we can present to a landlord. That school district is not going to hire him. The people of Port Orchard don't give two shits about education, so we have one failed levy after another. I want us to find better jobs.

Anywho... I should probably head back to Port Orchard. Let's see... it's what? 1 PM? I'll probably get back there at around 5 PM... 4 hours of commuting. What a pain in the ass.

1 comment:

A said...

There are definitely perks to moving out and living in your own place. Unfortunately, those perks cost a lot.

You are absolutely right that you need to feel financially stable before you go out on your own, whether or not you have a roomie. And of course, if you don't have it on paper that you make enough bank, no one will let you move in anyway...-_- That would be where a co-signer could come in, but I don't know if that's a consideration for you guys or not. We were going to have J's dad be our co-signer if we needed it because no one would rent an apartment to me with no job, but we lucked out and his rental history and credit were good enough on his own.

But yeah, I admit's fun to play house...I like making dinner for us each night and I like cleaning things together and stuff like that. I enjoyed decorating the apartment and setting it up pretty much how I wanted it. And it's so much less stressful to not have to worry about someone walking in on you or hearing you when you're trying to get your freak on.

I had dreamed of doing this for a long time, pretty much ever since I was a freshman in college, but I didn't really get my act together until after I graduated (not that I could go anywhere before I did anyway) and I really had to like, open my eyes and tell myself that if I wanted to make stuff happen, I had to start saving my money, being more responsible, etc. Even when I live in Columbus, I could basically go home whenever I wanted so it didn't really feel like I ever moved out until this summer when I moved to Madison. But it was so worth it.