Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Okay, so I had a lengthy and disheartening argument with Alex's mother and sister about the restaurant in which all three of us work at. I think I realized this once I found that Katie (Alex's sister) has more hours than me and is receiving payment illegally (under the table and such) On top of that, I realize that I'm the only one in the house that's playing by the rules. Alex's mother is getting a substantial amount of money under the table. I understand that labor costs are high in Manchester. Fuck that. I am not going to be phased out, I am quitting while I am ahead. As of last night, I am no longer a member of the Manchester chain gang. Fuck it. There are plenty of places that will take me as an employee. They don't deserve my notice. I have been there nearly 4 years and I am being squeezed out of the schedule week by week. And why? Because I'm actually being paid legally.

In other news... I have no clue as to how well I did on the Space exam. I know I aced the Japanese Literature one. In a way, I almost don't care because the Space class is unnecessary . I know it will probably deal a blow towards my GPA, but that's nothing I can't fix over the next couple of quarters. In fact, I bet if I bitched enough, I could get it wiped from my record. Anyways, I'm sort of glad that the quarter is coming to a close. I'm anxious for X-Mas break. I just hope to find work.

I told myself, "Don't quit until you find a better job." But what's the point? My last paycheck was 148 dollars. And now that they've snipped another day from me, I'll only be making close to 100 dollars. And this is every two weeks, mind you. So yeah, I'm not going to waste my time.

I just need to find something soon. I have car payments to pay along with a few credit card bills. Granted, my credit card bills aren't very high, but I need to have something to make more than the minimum payments. Anyways, today I am going to go look around hotels for front desk positions. There are quite a few in Seattle open, but maybe something closer to home would be better. I don't know. I looked on craigslist today and felt incredibly hopeful... as opposed to how helpless I felt last night.

Seriously, I have never had Donna or Katie so genuinely mad at me. But who wouldn't be upset that they're losing their job? A job they have worked at for nearly four years, offering their days off to come in for people who are under the weather, offering to come in off the clock and make sure everything is running smoothly. I feel absolutely jipped. I know I should have found something before winter hit, but as far as I was informed, everyone would be getting a cut in their hours. Instead, three out of the four waitresses are being completely cut.

At any rate, I keep telling myself that I will be out of school next fall. I will finally be able to hold my bachelor's in my hand and kiss minimum wage working good-bye. Hopefully. I am really hoping.


A said...

You should consider looking for a job at your university too. They probably have a job listing page and depending where you work, you could get free meals from school eateries and such :)

I worked at a OSU-owned pizza place for a quarter and it was pretty neat. The hours got to me and that's why I had to quit, but I got free meals every day and the application process was relatively painless. Since you're at school so much anyway...

Good luck finding a new job. I know you will though. TONS of stores are looking for seasonal help this time of year! Try a bookstore too, that might be a fun place to work!

Mary said...

Pletid cume am mein
Fullom am deser todo
Moi waunt tu cume a mein
A moi, eh so mote es be

Ruth said...

Season work at the school, at the IMA. The IMA is always hiring at all times and the school works around your schedule that really sucks about your current situation. Talk to you on the boat kay.
Not unless you want to get togehter before then. Love ya~