Monday, November 17, 2008

No Tuesday! Back the fuck off!

Okay... so I have two tests to study for tomorrow and I actually got about half of what I was supposed to have finished done Sunday (that's a first for me... ) I just don't want to do the stupid Space Travel test. I'm fine with the Japanese Lit, that's fine, that's easy, but this other one is a pain in the asshole. It's a 102 class, and the tests are too freaking hard. Anyways, I can see myself failing that class, but I should be okay with my quarterly GPA that my financial aid won't be taken away.

Still on the prowl for a new job. I'm probably going to ditch the restaurant altogether. No, make that definitely. I will keep the bakery job because my employer actually told me how much she appreciated me and all that I do. And I've only been at the bakery for 7 months. My boss at the Family Inn, outside of maybe a letter of recommendation, has never said anything so sincere in the 3+ years I have worked for her. On top of that, my hours there have been slashed down to a third. Labor is apparently too expensive, but I HIGHLY doubt that my boss is poor. She lives in a PRIVATE SPOT IN THE WOODS in a LARGE HOUSE with LARGE TELEVISIONS and a PUREBRED GERMAN SHORT-HAIRED POINTER which she takes to DOG SHOWS and she drives a BRAND NEW SUBARU... she's not poor. And if she's in debt, fuck her. She's put herself there. The problems with the restaurant greatly stem from her lack of management and her own alcoholism. I can't wait till' that place shuts down for good. I know it will, and if it doesn't I'll know that she'll be miserable from money problems. Having lots of money means more money problems. I sincerely hope that she is yanked down to my level and has to get rid of her luxuries and realizes what it truly feels like to live paycheck to paycheck.

At any rate, I'm hoping for the Albertson's job... or maybe even Safeway. I have yet to experience the grocery store field. I'll probably hate it, but whatever. I'm also hoping for the Best Buy job just so that it's closer to where I want to move to.

This money crunch is difficult because I'm addicted to spending money and eating out all of the time. It's maddening. I want to make lunches for myself, but I feel that everything I make is disgusting. Aside from baking I guess. Actual lunch and dinner food, I can't do it. It always tastes weird or I just don't want to spend the time to do it. Also, I hate spending money on a food experiment and it goes terribly wrong. I need to figure something out. I need to get into a routine.

Anywho, I should probably get off the school computer and make headway towards home... the 3 hour commute home.


Alex said...

I will totally make you lunches you just have to let me.

A said...

I have a bad habbit of eating out and ordering take-out at work. Terrible! I have to stop now, I mean really stop, but it's sooo hard when you look in your cabinet and don't see anything hot and delicious like chinese food...