Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Still on the hunt

Welp! Buckle was a no go. Not sure about Hollister (and not really sure if I care) and Macy's decided to cancel my interview with them because they were already stocked up on holiday hires. Really? Why give me the interview in the first place? Oh well. I have a couple more places I'm aiming to submit my application. I'm really hoping for me and Alex to get that apartment at Parkwood. Basically, we clean the center, open the pool in the morning, and we get room and board plus an extra 500 dollars for the month. Pretty sweet. That would easily cover my car payment, and whatever I make from other jobs can be put towards my credit card payments. Crossing my fingers. Actually, no. We are getting that apartment because we NEED it. I will do everything in my power to stress that we would be wonderful tenants, and we both have professional and private cleaning experience so we would be prime candidates for the job.

In other news... aside from an ass ton of Dragonball Z, I'm all of a sudden in a Tenchi Muyo mood. I got a couple of episodes from Netflix (which I will have to cancel soon if I don't get an additional job or more hours) and am like, "Hey, this actually isn't so bad. It's still an okay show." I was totally worried because I hadn't seen it in such a long time, and when I watch something after being away from it for a while, I tend to hate it. I actually only cared for the Tenchi Muyo OVA series, not so much Universe or Tokyo...

Boop, boop. In other news, Fall quarter is almost over. I got really good grades on both of my space travel papers, I got even better grades on my papers for Cultural Studies, and I successfully turned in my group rocket project paper and did my presentation in both Japanese Literature and Cultural Studies... what a busy yesterday. I think I did well on... everything.

I got home though, and mom gave me the grave news that she was nervous about the rent money this month... basically, she had to use up all of the Christmas money and still has to come up with 800 dollars. Well, that totally screwed my day over. If her and dad actually got real jobs, this wouldn't be a problem. Seriously. I don't care what kind of excuse you want to make for it, get a job. Just get. A. Job. I have tons on my plate already, but I'm still looking. I do more than the both of them do put together throughout the day. This is precisely why I want to move out. I'm one less thing they have to worry about. Well... actually... the disheartening truth is that I don't cause them any trouble in the first place. My moving out won't have any sort of impact on the expenses they have already. They won't have to pay so much for the heating, and that's basically it... I know the heat's my fault because my hedgehog needs the room kept warm. I would be more than happy to pay for most of the electric bill. Once we get that apartment, I will send her money for my half of the car insurance and the dental insurance.

Amanda is supposedly going to be giving me a bunch of hours over Christmas break so that I have some money for gifts and my own expenses. Plus, I think she's putting together a really early shift that I might be able to take before I go to school. Here's hoping...

Anywho, I should probably get off this crazy thang.


Alex said...

I hope to hear about the state of that job sometime this week, Thursday I think. I just hope that it actually goes to committee and not just someone installed like that one really old guy wants.

A said...

Good luck on getting the apartment. That sounds like a pretty sweet deal!

I went through that Tenchi stage a while ago too. I found out the OVA was rare as hell and expensive, lol. But I found a copy of the whole set pretty cheap. I also got the others, but I haven't watched them yet...