Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey Day and other stuff

I made eggnog cake and pepper-chive biscuits... played "Mario Galaxy" with some kid who came over to our house... beat "Chip and Dale" and "Little Nemo" for the NES in one sitting... and I ate food. It was pretty cool. Plus, it was a nice little break from school before the big break.

Interview with Buckle went well, however, I haven't received a response back, so I'm going to call them tomorrow... I wasn't going to call today since it is Black Friday. My interview with Hollister was nothing shy of stupid. I was part of a group interview, and by group I mean twelve other girls and one guy who had a vocabulary limited to the words "like," "outgoing," "fun-loving," "laid-back," and so forth. Seriously, every question asking them about why they would be fit for the job consisted of those very words. I felt so out of place because I was wearing dress clothes for an interview and the rest of them were in street clothes... I have a feeling I'm not going to get that one.

Next week I have an interview with Macy's. I'm also going to put my application in at Olive Garden and Silver City Brewery. I think I'd be fine at the Brewery because it's a successful mom and pop kind of restaurant. It actually looks nice... I'm even considering going by the bowling alley to see if they're hiring in the restaurant or the actual bowling alley. Maybe even the bar area. I know how to mix basic drinks and I know how to pour tap beer.

So goes the job hunt... I'm not in too bad of shape considering I've only been half jobless for only a week.

Oh. My. God. So much goddamn DBZ. Alex got the Cell Games season in from the mail and we watched the whole damn thing. It has totally put us in a mood... I need to go unearth by Android 17/18 doujinshi... I have no clue where they are -.- But yeah, Cell Games... 685 minutes. I don't know, DBZ brings up a lot of awkward memories of me being a total putz back in high school, so I think what I'm trying to do is reassociate DBZ to new memories. I knew I wouldn't have been able to make fart jokes about the show a long time ago because I thought it would "anger the characters if I said it"... it's really wierd embarassing things like that that I want to try to push out when I want to watch any of the old stuff I used to treat as sacred.

And jeez! God forbid if I EVER said anything negative about Android 17 a long time ago! I am so freaking happy I have gotten myself laid since then... or else I'd be stuck with the same stupid problems. I bet Android 17 gets laid by thousands of women. Beautiful women! Rich women! Even mediocre ones that make him feel good about himself, though he finds himself leaping from the window the next morning, because let's face it; these women have baggage! If I was Android 17, that's what I'd do. I feel like I'm getting into some bad territory here. But jee, it's what I'd do.

On another note, would you believe I would used to hold farts in when my favorite characters appeared? It was like I would be dishonoring them by doing it... now I just fart, fart, fart away. I know a lot of people probably had just as many embarassing moments when they were in high school, but I am so terribly self conscious about mine... maybe I should turn this stuff into a comedy routine... or a book.

Anywho, bakery tomorrow morning. Need to be up bright and early before the sun.

1 comment:

Alex said...

you talked about farting a lot in this