Sunday, November 2, 2008

Put off today what you can do... late at night?

Okay, so I pissed my Sunday away. Big deal? Well, I should have been defining things from my list of terms... which really only takes me an hour or two.

Whatever.. test isn't until Tuesday. Plus, I get them done tonight and all I have to worry about is the essay part of it. I have to make sure to at least keep half way decent grades in English and Japanese Literature... let's face it, my space class is going to destroy me. *shrugs*

Was Devo for Halloween. I'm pretty much the best. Not to mention I needed to find something to do with my energy dome.

What have you been doing all day that's been keeping you from doing important stuff?! Going to Silverdale... watching Mars Attacks, documentaries on gay parents and spontaneous combustion, and Alex playing Saints Row 2... and... sitting around? What I would really like to have is two days off. Which actually isn't too terribly difficult now that a shift of mine has been cut. Whatever. Damn. I need another job.

Man... I have another group assignment. That makes, what? Four now? What is with teachers and group assignments. Oh! I know! It makes it easier for a teacher to grade a group rather than individuals! Why didn't I think of that?! I sure am glad people have to pay teachers to work as little as possible!

I really hope the space class is graded on a curb. What with everyone doing a piss poor job on the test.

Have a research paper draft due this Thursday... midterm on Tuesday... anything else?

Whatever, I'll probably go see Zack and Mira's Porno tonight. Why do you keep doing this to yourself? Why can't you just do your homework and study with this freetime? Oh I know!

Advice to live by? I kind of apply this philosophy to people who overly stress about school and GPA. I make the most of my days off. My days off are for me, and me only. I only wish that in my days off... I wouldn't spend money.

I'm out.


Alex said...

Hey we had a good time. We saw a movie and ate some italian food and had sex in a car.

Pasghetti said...

That was pretty cool. Especially the sex in the car... I wonder if that guy from Subway saw.

A said...

I know what you mean about wanting a 9-5. (Technically mine is 8-4 lol). That's what I purposely looked for after I graduated. I don't think 9-5ers realize how shitty the rest of our schedules are unless they've worked those crap hours. It really does make a huge difference in your life...brings a touch of organization to everything. I'm really quite grateful...

I should have clarified a bit. J doesn't have his own show, but he is the producer of the morning news show, so I just call it "his" show because there are several different news shows that they air and he only produces the morning ones.

It's part of the reason why I have to use initials on this site too. For myself and others, it's just a precaution, but for him, he can't really have his name attached to things online because he has a official blog on his station's web site and thus his name is associated with the station, and with ths shit I write, it's best he is not involved.