Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Bible's silly

Just got done with my midterm in the Bible as Literature class. I hate calling it Bible class because it sounds like I'm going to a Lutheran college or something. Don't get me wrong, the Bible is a very beautifully written book, but it is just awful. That aside, I think I did fine on the midterm. I hope. I know that I did my very best on it.

I was brushing my hair the other day, only to pluck from my head four, long, course, grey hairs. How? I'm 22! I really don't know if it's a by-product of the stress, I hear that's a rumor. I mean, for the most part, my schedule is pretty set and I can deal with it. I know I'm always going to be doing something everyday, and believe me, when I pay off my credit cards, I'm going to loosen up on how much I'm working. As it stands, the only days I have off from work are Wednesdays and Thursday. I will sporadically get a day off on Friday every now and then. *shrugs* Ryo is strange.

Samurai Noodle's a little more tolerable now since I can deal with some of my unbearable co-workers, I can tolerate listening to Dragon Force and Offspring for long tracks of time, and am finally finding ways to get around enforcing really retarded rules on confused customers. Seriously, people can't have hot water from the machine upon request without paying? Why? Why, why, WHY? It's even harder to get some of my coworkers to listen to circumstances. To them, every customer is the same. I mean, don't get me wrong, I hate people. I hate serving people food. But! I am served food at other places where the waitress/waitor probably hates me just as much. And it's for no good reason aside from making the other person work.

I still really hate Dragon Force. And I USED to like the Offspring. I want to play my own music there. I probably can, but I'm so overly polite to even the biggest douchebags at work that I don't like imposing my own musical tastes on others. We should just turn it to a radio station and leave it like that.

I think one of my biggest problems with my co-workers there is that none of them have any sort of balance because they're just coming out of high school. To give you an idea, aside from myself, there are only two other workers out of the eight of us working there that are over the drinking age. I am surrounded by people who are so involved with current and former employees and their wretched lives that it is ALL that they talk about. IT IS ALL THAT THEY TALK ABOUT.

But you know, for as bad as I may have made it sound, it dishes out a sweet paycheck. So I don't mind. Also, I get tips. Which is something that's still nice. And there are a few sweet and kind people that work there.

Today, I'm going to swing by the English office and request a form for getting into honors English. That way, I won't really have to take a senior capstone, I can pretty much just write a thesis. I'll have to look into it. Also, I'm considering internships at the Art Institute of Seattle. Not for art, persay, but something involving communication and writing. I don't know, the English degree is incredibly versatile. I can see myself becoming an editor for something.

I should probably get off this computer... go to class... get home... watch Galaxy Express 999 or something old. Like Road House!


A said...

I always thought the people in Galaxy Express 999 looked dirty.

I hate old anime. Booo.

Pasghetti said...

Whatever >_< It's a smart anime >_< I dunno, Maetel looked pretty clean... and almost equine. And the conductor of the train looked like a Shy Guy to me... for some reason. But for the most part, everyone else looked like they reaked of ass sweat and sock.

A said...

LOL I just never really like Leiji M's character designs...I guess that was it.

I supposed if I like Sailor Moon then I do like old anime now. That really puts things in perspective..gah.