Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Am I really free? I think so!

Wow... I feel this weird weight off my shoulders whenever Wednesday rolls around. My work week is over, any and all homework has been turned in (all of my classes usually collect stuff during the first half of the week) and I don't have to do nothin'... till' Sunday, but whatever, right?

I actually will have plenty of time to play my "MyJapaneseWordCoach" and see if that works at all. I really need something that better helps me to memorize words. Where's Muzzy when you need him? They should come out with a Kanji coach if that isn't already there. Also... Mother 3? Translation? Neat. Alex was watching me start a new file... a lot of weird names I was using. I think I named Lucas "Squito"... or something. And my "favorite thing" is showers. I might just start over and say that my favorite thing is make-up. It makes for a really retarded mad-lib later on. Or so I've heard.

I think I'm getting overly tired as of late. I am having a hard time figuring out where I woke up from and where I had fallen asleep from the night before. I actually had to stop for a couple of seconds and try to remember who's house I woke up at this morning. I think I need to do brain exercises or something.

Speaking of exercise, I'm going to start going to the gym again... we'll see how that plays out.

I wish more friends had blogger accounts.

I should go. To the bathroom.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Quick! Do homework!


I have had zill sleep. I am so worn out from all this fast work. So, yesterday I was sick with a tract infection and had basically the whole day to devote to homework. What did I do? Writhe around in pee-burning pain to the Discovery Channel.

Of course, the pain subsided because I passed out from it only to awaken to the MIDDLE OF THE DAY. Wow... I could have had tons of crap done. Anywho, I had a paper to write, reading to... read, and e-mails to send out to group members. Well, I make it to my house and to my computer only to be completely distracted by the Venture Brothers. Needless to say, I wrote my paper, which took me 3 hours because of getting distracted, skimmed my reading for English class, sent my e-mails, and neglected to read the actual Tale of Genji which I supplimented by reading the Wikipedia article on it during the bus ride to school this morning. I am the biggest retard to ever set foot on university soil. I honestly don't know how I get good grades! I am such a slacker and I get by on the skin of my teeth. Whatever. All is finished... well, kinda.

Tonight, I have to throw together a quick prospectus for English class and I also have to do my space homework on the internet (which is due tonight at 11:55 PM... I love computer assignments) I just can't wait to get out of these courses and focus on English... I am so tired of school. Oh well, it's just a small obstacle. I can't even imagine how tough it will be to actually teach in a school district. Not just any school district either. I intend to work in a poor school district with failed levies to hopefully improve education and gain more funding. And really... I think teachers only make about 40,000 a year. Which you know what? That's like, at LEAST 3000 dollars per month. That's freaking plenty to live off of when you live either alone or with someone.

And what's also fun to note is that teachers get paid on the three months off for summer vacation. Pretty sweet. I could basically go and do whatever I want... within reason I suppose.

Speaking of English majoring... I need to get an extension. The UW mailed me my registration hold. Le sigh. Whatever.

Anywho, I should probably go to the bathroom before it burns.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Today at work...

Okay, so I was at work today without two of my right hand men (er, women) and... kinda lame. It was boring, wasn't really busy. I'm hoping that maybe I can get at least one more female co-worker working up front... I'm working with two guys that have a difficult time articulating things. Sheesh. Also, I think there was a block on my blog as potential spam. Hoi. Hopefully they will review it and remove the block.

Hopefully more of my friends will blog here as well... I still heavily use my deviantart. I've got like five different ways in which people can contact me online -.-

Thinking about what to do for Thanksgiving... I've been entrusted with dessert and probably rolls. I want to do a cake and break out the decorating supplies. I know I certainly want to make a trial version of maybe a pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese frosting (and maybe almonds or walnuts) for the restaurant. That was a lot of maybe.

I'll probably use this blog to also post small doodles... I do a lot of those in school.... when I'm supposed to be paying attention.

Also, I want to post at least one neat news article on each of my posts. In fact, I think I want to share a little something about Mr. Green Genes... the amazing glowing cat.

I think it's interesting because it's harmless and helpful. Also, it's using make-up from jellyfish. A jelly-catfish? Hrm...

Also, today Alex and I drove past an intersection in Port Orchard, we will call it the Repuli-corner, and there was this HUGE sign someone was holding saying, "I refuse to distribute my wealth" First off, what a fucker. And secondly, judging from his wardrobe, he really doesn't look like he's one of the top 10% of America that will be having to pay into spreading the wealth. People are so afraid of socialism, that they don't even realize that the people who own most of the money in America have it socialized while everyone on the bottom of the chain is playing capitalist... that's all we know how to do. Buy. Buy. BUY. And it's not even just the things that we want. They're making a pretty penny on our own nessessities.

Anywho, I should probably jump off this crazy thing and do something productive... homework? Hmm... nah. I'm thinking more like Smash Brothers.