Monday, March 16, 2009

Long time, no blog. I'm addicted to Facebook

I guess the only thing missing from facebook is a good blog for the users. Nothing too terribly much going on with me. Just finishing up finals this week. I'm just glad they'll be over by Wednesday, then I can get drunk and pass out in front of Dirty Dancing.

Got accepted into the Creative Writing in Rome program...!!!!!!! SO! From June 23-July 23 I will be in the Mediterranean under the hot-ass sun... eating REAL ITALIAN FOOD. I'm just a little upset with the euro at the moment. Well, not so much the euro as the American dollar... Anywho, it'll be fun. I'll be a month away from everything, so I know I'll be both excited and apprehensive, but the UW Rome Center will have computers so I can keep in touch with everyone. Very excited though.

Work's been a real drag and incredibly volatile. I mean, one of my coworkers, who actually got in BIG trouble recently, has been planting wierd traps for people to fall into and get in trouble with the boss. I mean, I'm not used to this sort of thing. With work, you go there, do the job, and make the customer happy. That's all it should be, but unfortunately, it's a big fucking mess. At times, I just wish that I was working at the bakery more rather than at Samurai Noodle. At least I'm working with adults rather than teenagers at the bakery... plus more space to walk around. Also, I end up doing multiple tasks at the bakery.

I just want next quarter to start so that I FINALLY have a DAY OFF. Every day I am either at school or at work... or sometimes both. Next quarter, I won't have school on Fridays and will just flat out tell Samurai Noodle that I can't work on that day... for whatever reason. I am tired.

This Thursday's agenda: Renew passport, get passport pictures for that matter, get UW health insurance for overseas travel, get information on student visa or get a student visa... however that works, get a book on Italian, and get drunk. Yeah. That sounds good.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Bible's silly

Just got done with my midterm in the Bible as Literature class. I hate calling it Bible class because it sounds like I'm going to a Lutheran college or something. Don't get me wrong, the Bible is a very beautifully written book, but it is just awful. That aside, I think I did fine on the midterm. I hope. I know that I did my very best on it.

I was brushing my hair the other day, only to pluck from my head four, long, course, grey hairs. How? I'm 22! I really don't know if it's a by-product of the stress, I hear that's a rumor. I mean, for the most part, my schedule is pretty set and I can deal with it. I know I'm always going to be doing something everyday, and believe me, when I pay off my credit cards, I'm going to loosen up on how much I'm working. As it stands, the only days I have off from work are Wednesdays and Thursday. I will sporadically get a day off on Friday every now and then. *shrugs* Ryo is strange.

Samurai Noodle's a little more tolerable now since I can deal with some of my unbearable co-workers, I can tolerate listening to Dragon Force and Offspring for long tracks of time, and am finally finding ways to get around enforcing really retarded rules on confused customers. Seriously, people can't have hot water from the machine upon request without paying? Why? Why, why, WHY? It's even harder to get some of my coworkers to listen to circumstances. To them, every customer is the same. I mean, don't get me wrong, I hate people. I hate serving people food. But! I am served food at other places where the waitress/waitor probably hates me just as much. And it's for no good reason aside from making the other person work.

I still really hate Dragon Force. And I USED to like the Offspring. I want to play my own music there. I probably can, but I'm so overly polite to even the biggest douchebags at work that I don't like imposing my own musical tastes on others. We should just turn it to a radio station and leave it like that.

I think one of my biggest problems with my co-workers there is that none of them have any sort of balance because they're just coming out of high school. To give you an idea, aside from myself, there are only two other workers out of the eight of us working there that are over the drinking age. I am surrounded by people who are so involved with current and former employees and their wretched lives that it is ALL that they talk about. IT IS ALL THAT THEY TALK ABOUT.

But you know, for as bad as I may have made it sound, it dishes out a sweet paycheck. So I don't mind. Also, I get tips. Which is something that's still nice. And there are a few sweet and kind people that work there.

Today, I'm going to swing by the English office and request a form for getting into honors English. That way, I won't really have to take a senior capstone, I can pretty much just write a thesis. I'll have to look into it. Also, I'm considering internships at the Art Institute of Seattle. Not for art, persay, but something involving communication and writing. I don't know, the English degree is incredibly versatile. I can see myself becoming an editor for something.

I should probably get off this computer... go to class... get home... watch Galaxy Express 999 or something old. Like Road House!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Study abroad! But where!

So... I'm considering studying abroad. I just recently got accepted into the actual English major. I know it's nothing special, but as a senior in major-limbo, it's nice to finally have a place where I belong... as stupid as that sounds. I have declared it so. Anyways, I was thinking about either going to Rome or Amsterdam. Primarily Rome... I've kind of had a hankering to visit Europe... and the Mediterranean in specific. I mean, I was also thinking about Japan, but I've already been there. But, there's this really neat program where I only need 1st year, minimal Japanese, and even then it isn't a requirement, but this specific program takes you all over, studying the different temples. Something to think about, I suppose.

In other news, Samurai Noodle's been all right. It's service industry. The only thing I'm having trouble with is dealing with college/fresh-out-of-high-school co-workers and the massive amount of sexism and racism that comes with working there. I shouldn't have to defend black people and women every time I come in to work. One of my co-workers said I should flat out ignore it, but I think ignoring it is the reason why it's still rampant, whether blatant or subtle, today. Not to mention, the little pecker that does the majority of it without consequence is getting paid 15 dollars an hour and is the boss's little bitch rag. Whatever, the only thing that's keeping me from going insane is the thought of graduating and not having to work in food service anymore.

I want to learn the dance moves in Dirty Dancing.

Anything else important... oh, thinking about the whole moving out thing and hoping Alex's job fair goes fine. Maybe I can loosen up on working so much if he... I think my hedgehog is slowly growing disappointed about running in her wheel... she has probably figured out after using the thing for two years that she actually isn't going anywhere. OFF TOPIC! Anyways, I hope Alex gets a good job so he can help me. I never really ask for money because we're about the same when it comes to financial stuff. It would be like asking myself for money. But if he gets a good job, then I can focus on maybe a couple of utilities and my credit card and car loan bills. I would love it if I can get my cards paid off and use basically what I am spending on them towards my car payments... it would be paid off in no time >_<

I want a small dog.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Sylvia, how do you call your lover boy?

Too... much... Dirty Dancing. I don't know, I think I'm allowed at least one chick movie... you know, out of all the Aqua Teen and Adam Sandler stuff, I get at least one movie for girls. I think I have a small crush on Patrick Swayze, but then again, I also had a crush on Harrison Ford when I was 11 years old (what was he, like 45 then? Jeez) I love Han Solo. I love Johnny Castles. I would dance with him.

Christmas was good. I actually managed to get to both Alex's house and my house with very little trouble. I had to park in the convenient store parking lot over night because there is no way I would be able to park down at my home... too... much... snow. I'm ready for it to be gone. I have been stranded, home sick, and penny-less. I've finally been able to go back to work and such. I need to pay off the Christmas I just spent money on. I went a little overboard again, but I wanted to get my mom a stand mixer, so sue me.

Got a pretty good haul this Christmas; a tether ball, a lot of warm clothes, cookbooks, and all of the Speed Racer episodes on DVD (I'm a sucker for old crappy anime) I played a little bit of Animal Crossing City Folk that I got my brother for Christmas. I'm glad I could get him that for a present because apparently mom had yet to do some shopping for him before the blizzard, so his presents were skimpy. He gets Christmas next week though, which is really lucky >_<

Aced all of my classes, I got the final verdict from Cultural Studies... 3.7! Yay! I get to keep my financial aid. That's what I was primarily worried about...

Oh! Anyone who buys a shit ton of Nintendo brand games, they just opened Club Nintendo in America, so gather all those inserts from your games and register your products to get free crap: Do it to it.

Anything else interesting... oh! My Samurai Noodle job is going well. Yep. And Chris is almost home from his vacation, so I won't have to fill in at the bakery come the early mornings during the week. I think the snow made it annoying this last week... very hard to get to work, and some days, I couldn't make it at all -.- But! Just a few more days. I have a real doozy tomorrow, bakery from 7:30 AM to 1 PM and then Samurai Noodle from 4:30 to 10 PM. I really hope I catch the 10:30 boat home... if not, I have to wait until the 12:50 boat. Yuck. Gawd, that would suck.

Going to bed. Bye, suckers.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ramen house?

Lots of things have happened over the course of the last week. I got a job at Samurai Noodle and work with Hannako and Hunter. It's pretty much the best job I've ever had. It pays 9 dollars an hour, you get tips, and they encourage you when you have some downtime to sit down at a table and eat ramen. So far I've tried about 4 different kinds so far. They also pay double when you work holidays... which I am working both X-Mas Eve and New Year's Day. Everyone's pleasant to work with, even if they can be offensive, and even though the space is crowded, I like it. They're supposedly opening the new store over at the university district soon, and want me to work there and still possibly at the current international district location. In addition, I'm getting full time hours.

In other news, I'm also getting a lot of work at the bakery while I fill in for a vacationing coworker.

It's pretty great... because this month I'll be making somewhere around $2000. That will take care of all of my credit card debt and I'll still have quite a bit left over.

I passed space class with a 2.4! Much better than I had expected actually. I also got, I think, a 3.5 in Japanese Literature... I'm still waiting for my grade in Cultural Studies. I think this will bump my GPA down to a 3.4... but I could really care less. Honestly, I'm not going to be perfect. I commute from across the water, I work full time, and I go to school full time. Most of my free time was not spent doing homework, but relaxing. The fact that I have such decent grades is nothing shy from astonishing.

Also... in other news... the gal, Maddie Blaustein (actually, a transvestite interestingly enough) that voiced Meowth of Team Rocket from the first season all the way to the eighth season of the English dub of Pokemon passed away. It feels kind of weird. I'm actually pretty sad about it. I mean, I know Pokemon's no longer voiced by the same people anymore, but still... sad.

Anywho, I need to hop off this crazy thang.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

*Farnsworth* Good news everybody!

Well, okay news. Better than last time. I'm picking up overtime shifts at the bakery for the next couple of weeks. I also may be picking up some work at the Samurai Noodle in the international district. I am an anime fan's dream. A cute girl working at a bakery and a ramen stand... *spits* I don't care how much ramen is in Naruto... I love it. I don't love Naruto, but I sure love the ramen at Samurai Noodle >_< So... I won't be too terribly broke for the net couple of weeks. Which is good.

I got all of my Christmas shopping out of the way... in a matter of 2 hours ^_^; Me and my mom also went to Game Crazy and bought my brother a Wii for his birfday. I think I might get him Animal Crossing... so I can have Animal Crossing. I have to make a cake for his birthday at the end of this week as well. I only spent about 175 on Christmas... I got gifts for Alex and his family, my family, Jack, Ronnie, and Ruth. Good stuff. I'm proud of myself considering I spent about 500 dollars on Christmas last year. Wowzers. I pulled a Donna >_< I'll probably pick up a couple of extra things before Christmas, but you know... Oh! I know I should get something for Lizy and Anja.

Lesse... finals are finally over. I smoked the Japanese Literature final, I know I did well with my final paper in English, and my Space final... *snickers* Yeah, no. I know I probably didn't do so well. I'm tired of worrying about it, though. And even though I took the test on Friday, there's still no word back as to how I did. I'm just anxious to see. At any rate, I have a whole break off. Here are the things I'm aiming to get done with all this time:

Successfully start a manga translation of GeGeGe No Kitarou. I'm hoping to at least translate one chapter of the first book.

Successfully decorate a cake of my own with fondant... I don't know what it will be of... maybe of GeGeGe. Obsessed? Eh.

Put together a picture for my mother for Christmas. I want to do a Sepia tone of a group of her book's characters. And do a copy of the same image, but an animation cel. I think it would be a nice gift.

Pick a piano piece and learn it.

Learn basic guitar.

And I think that's it... anywho, just a quick update. I'll probably edit this post as I (hopefully) accomplish these short term goals. See you, cats!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Still on the hunt

Welp! Buckle was a no go. Not sure about Hollister (and not really sure if I care) and Macy's decided to cancel my interview with them because they were already stocked up on holiday hires. Really? Why give me the interview in the first place? Oh well. I have a couple more places I'm aiming to submit my application. I'm really hoping for me and Alex to get that apartment at Parkwood. Basically, we clean the center, open the pool in the morning, and we get room and board plus an extra 500 dollars for the month. Pretty sweet. That would easily cover my car payment, and whatever I make from other jobs can be put towards my credit card payments. Crossing my fingers. Actually, no. We are getting that apartment because we NEED it. I will do everything in my power to stress that we would be wonderful tenants, and we both have professional and private cleaning experience so we would be prime candidates for the job.

In other news... aside from an ass ton of Dragonball Z, I'm all of a sudden in a Tenchi Muyo mood. I got a couple of episodes from Netflix (which I will have to cancel soon if I don't get an additional job or more hours) and am like, "Hey, this actually isn't so bad. It's still an okay show." I was totally worried because I hadn't seen it in such a long time, and when I watch something after being away from it for a while, I tend to hate it. I actually only cared for the Tenchi Muyo OVA series, not so much Universe or Tokyo...

Boop, boop. In other news, Fall quarter is almost over. I got really good grades on both of my space travel papers, I got even better grades on my papers for Cultural Studies, and I successfully turned in my group rocket project paper and did my presentation in both Japanese Literature and Cultural Studies... what a busy yesterday. I think I did well on... everything.

I got home though, and mom gave me the grave news that she was nervous about the rent money this month... basically, she had to use up all of the Christmas money and still has to come up with 800 dollars. Well, that totally screwed my day over. If her and dad actually got real jobs, this wouldn't be a problem. Seriously. I don't care what kind of excuse you want to make for it, get a job. Just get. A. Job. I have tons on my plate already, but I'm still looking. I do more than the both of them do put together throughout the day. This is precisely why I want to move out. I'm one less thing they have to worry about. Well... actually... the disheartening truth is that I don't cause them any trouble in the first place. My moving out won't have any sort of impact on the expenses they have already. They won't have to pay so much for the heating, and that's basically it... I know the heat's my fault because my hedgehog needs the room kept warm. I would be more than happy to pay for most of the electric bill. Once we get that apartment, I will send her money for my half of the car insurance and the dental insurance.

Amanda is supposedly going to be giving me a bunch of hours over Christmas break so that I have some money for gifts and my own expenses. Plus, I think she's putting together a really early shift that I might be able to take before I go to school. Here's hoping...

Anywho, I should probably get off this crazy thang.