Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Am I really free? I think so!

Wow... I feel this weird weight off my shoulders whenever Wednesday rolls around. My work week is over, any and all homework has been turned in (all of my classes usually collect stuff during the first half of the week) and I don't have to do nothin'... till' Sunday, but whatever, right?

I actually will have plenty of time to play my "MyJapaneseWordCoach" and see if that works at all. I really need something that better helps me to memorize words. Where's Muzzy when you need him? They should come out with a Kanji coach if that isn't already there. Also... Mother 3? Translation? Neat. Alex was watching me start a new file... a lot of weird names I was using. I think I named Lucas "Squito"... or something. And my "favorite thing" is showers. I might just start over and say that my favorite thing is make-up. It makes for a really retarded mad-lib later on. Or so I've heard.

I think I'm getting overly tired as of late. I am having a hard time figuring out where I woke up from and where I had fallen asleep from the night before. I actually had to stop for a couple of seconds and try to remember who's house I woke up at this morning. I think I need to do brain exercises or something.

Speaking of exercise, I'm going to start going to the gym again... we'll see how that plays out.

I wish more friends had blogger accounts.

I should go. To the bathroom.


Ruth said...

It's a very refreshing day! I like the Wednesday too~

Alex said...

Mother 3 was fun but I was disappointed by the ending.
